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tv   FOX 5 News at 10  FOX  April 5, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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make today smile with 6 dunkin' donuts for $4.49, powdered with sugar, layered with frosting, filled with jelly, or topped with sprinkles. share some smiles with 6 donuts for $4.49 today.
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dari: looks like a big night for ted cruz and bernie sanders, the two are projected winners in wisconsin primary, polls closed about an hour ago, cruz and sanders beat frontrunners donald trump and hillary clinton, linda schmidt is in the newsroom, following the results. reporter: bernie sanders has now won 8 of last primaries in caucus, ted cruz is also looking to capitalize on this victory. we look at the numbers. on g.o.p. side, fox news projects ted cruz is winner, over frontrunner donald trump. with 29% of the presurges reporting, cruz has 52%, trump has 29%, john kasich is way back with 15%. >> 42 republican delegates are at stake tonight in wisconsin. now looking at democratic side, fox news projecting that bernie
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primary in wisconsin with 26% of pre70s in sanders with 53% to clinton a 46%. there are 96 democratic delegates up for grapes in wisconsin. -- grabs in wisconsin, they are big wins for cruz and sanders, experts say it gives them momentum, hillary was not even in wisconsin. she and bill are here in new york, ahead of the primary here, which is two weeks from tonight. >> imagine what she could do as president. reporter: bill clinton in new york trying to persuade voter, and hill hillary clinton held a town hall in brooklyn. >> i wish they would come to new york, and spend time. the fellow who is from new york i wish he would get out of his tower and walk the street, with
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reporter: all eyes are now to new york, bernie sanders and clinton agreed to debate 5 days before the primary, expert say that sander's win in wisconsin gives his campaign a major boost. >> enough of them are supporting him, it cannot be dismissed. reporter: fordham university professor said that sander's victory in wisconsin will help him fund raise, for republicans the stakes are higher, ted cruz got backing of most of wisconsin's g.o.p. leaders, including governor scott walker, and it paid off. >> in cruz victory in wisconsin, would suggestion that --ing is suggest that electorate is thinking twice about nominates donald trump, that would create reverse momentum for the trump campaign. >> tonight is a turning point, a rallies cry, a call from the hard working men and women of
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america. we have a choice. a real choice. reporter: cruz and trump are continuing to call for ohio governor john kasich to pull out of the race, butro fess or, said that it -- but the professor said it is in kasich a best interest to stay in the race through the convention. >> go to convention with delegates, he could still be a power broker, if he amasses enough delegates to be 81 cents shall -- consequence shall in terms of helping out one of the other. reporter: with the wins in wisconsin, this makes new york all that much more purpose. steve: all right. thank you linda. >> a big rally planned by trump campaign on long island tomorrow. some 8 to 12,000 people are expecting to turn out. tickets were given away today on
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rallygoers will go through metal detectivors and as vided to arrive -- advised to arrive early. dari: that leak of documents in panama, claim their first political casualty, icelands prime minister has stepped down. they lingered him, his wife -- linked him, his wife and more than 140 world leaders to secret offshore bank accounts. steve: lawyers for former officer liang are seeking a new trial, claiming that one of the jurors failed to disclose that a close family member was convicted of manslaughter. liang was convicted of manslaughter in february for the death of gurley. brooklyn d.a. office released a statement saying that liang
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>> one northbound lane on hudson parkway is closed after crews continue to figure out a unstable retaining wall there. sky fox flew over the building wall there. in morningside heights, in 2005, part of a retaining wall collapsed on to the parkway just north of the gw bridge, that did not happen today but we're told that lane will stay closed while inspection continues. steve: people in queens, depend on number 7 train have been complaining about unreliable service, tonight, they got a chance to bringh grievances to the transit president. >> you feel cheated a bit? >> a lot. yes. >> the thing is that kills me, is when i get here late, i lose money. and time. reporter: you pay money and you lose money. >> at the same time.
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-- pack the room, one by one they ask president of mta new york city transit, questions about the 7 train, their lifeline to the stay, they were hungry for answers. >> the track -- on the express. on the local. this has been going on forever. reporter: >> this is one of your busiest lines over 525,000 weekday riders, we makeover 622 one way trips every weekday, you are right it is busy. reporter: some of the most popular demands include improved communication when delays happen, update on track work and acknowledging growth in queens and planning for it, melissa leads advocacy group, access queen. >> the biggest thing is lack of communication. reporter: the new signaling project on is on schedule to finish in 2017.
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throughs line. new panels are coming, now track work is almost done. >> this is a problem that has been going on for years and years, people are fed up. rightfully so, they pay for the servais they don't get the service they pay for. reporter: one of the busiest and unreable trains in the system, people here in queens call it a quality of life issue, if you are riding 7 train today, you know its after a head wake, we're told that was -- it was a head headache, because of a police investigation. but for people who deal with these problems on a regular basis, a reminder of what they deal with. back to you. dari: well another round of common core testing began across the state today, many parents had their kids op out. this is what a classroom looked
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long island, those who opted out sat in the auditorium, last swing 20% of -- spring 20% refused to take the test that number is to be higher this year. >> if it was done to circumstance's their performance -- to assess their performance i would have them take the test, but it is not. >> a person yard stick to measure opportunity's abilities. steve: we have rough weather this week, this was on camera, high winds cause a huge tree to fall into the path of an oncoming truck in new jersey, sunday on a road, dashcam of a police officer caught the moment when the tree fell, second, it could have been a problem that truck bouncing over it, amazingly, thank full that's person was in the truck, the
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seriously hurt. amazing. >> absolutely. dari: high winds are behind us but we still have february basically, even january. for first week of april. steve: this is cold, period. nick: today, struggling to get over 40 degrees, 20s in city, teens, and again tonight, temperatures that head below freezing that why freeze warnings are up could we're dry, fox 5 sky guardian confirming there no going on right now. threrch 37 in the city, and bridgeport, mid 30s across long island, freeze warning from new york city to lower westchester to shout ern part -- shout ern part of connecticut, just like last night.
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temperatures 8 be in 20s, a look at satellite photograph, we're all clear, we'll start that way tomorrow, we'll have sunshine to start the day, on future cast. that we're clear, morning looks okay, then clouds come in. more so thursday. also much miler we get into a southerly wind, looking for temperatures to be near 60 thursday, after a chilly width, that will an li last for a -- only last for a day, 28 in midtown buena to 25 as you get to suburbs with a clear sky, tomorrow, sunshine, clouds, 30 mine 9:00 a.m., 40 at lunchtime. still 10 degrees below average for this time of year. dari: all right nick. >> yankee fans putting up with cold temperatures and
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howft houston astros got the best of a questionable call in the eighth inning, manager girardi argued that the runner was not in the base path but the umpires disagreed so houston won. steve: you could not have missed teenage mutant ninja turtle behind home plates, you can thank comedian also very for that. sold tickets for 25 cents, he trolled the yankees after what he called elitist comments. dari: mike piazza is not so happy that a piece of memorabilia from one of the most historic moments as a met is
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remembering the home -- after that piazza hit. the jersey is up fur auction, the mets privately sold that jersey 3 years, the team said it working with the current seller to get that jersey back. steve: they have to pay up. >> they are. steve: all right, so what do you think, qualifies as plus size? >> controversy that started after a popular magazine, seemed to insinuate that amy schumer is, he does not agree. steve: challenging or perception of dessert, why the rain drop cake is the rage. dari: new yorkers cannot decide, where is up state? we're trying to get to the
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alright guys. i want to show you some
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this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually
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dari: glamour has come out with a new plus size issue, a big step forward. steve: but editors ended up in hot water with amy schuller, sharon crowley with why. reporter: we see amy schuller joking around but she is not laughing now at glamour magazine, they made reference to her on cover of the special plus size issue. declaring amy schumer mass one of the women -- as one of the women who inspire us, schumer responded with a post. it says, in parts, at glamour mag, put me in their plus tysonly issue without asking or letting me know, it did you not feel right, young girls with my body type, thinking that is plus size? glamour editor tweeted a apology. a fashion blogger.
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schumer plus size, she is 20 between a 4 and a 6. >> it is sending a message, if we start seeing a certain size it plus, when it is actually average or healthy weight, it seems like it creates this false sense of what plus size is. >> klein call psychologist -- clinical psychologist who councils young women with self esteem issues would like to see the business value what is on the inside. >> people feel fulfilled when they focus on what they would like their life to be. >> sharon crowley, "fox 5 news." steve: protest in mississippi over a new law many feel discrame
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lgbt groups say it is a huge step backwards. >> governor bryant is stepping into it, moving to what we've seen does not work. americans do not like discrimination. >> mississippi lieutenant governor pushed for that bill after supreme court legalized gay marriage last june, the new law goes into effect in july. dari: san francisco is now first place in country to require wants to provide paid leave to new moms and dads. employees would receive full pay for first 6 weeks with the new baby, it applies to people who work at least 8 hours a week, employees, who work for city los angeles receive up to 12 weeks. >> an odd looking dessert that
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of the rage in new york, jen lahmers with what is fascinating about the lemon drop cake -- rain drop cake. >> it could be new york's newest dream dessert it looks like a giant jiggley drop of water on a plate, it was a viral sensation in japan first, people raving about the light and tasty texture. >> sweet and delicate, combination of sugar and the -- and cool, mel melt in your mouth water drop. reporter: new yorker makes them in his kitchen, he is not a chef by trade, he was so fascinated we learned how to make them on his own. >> it spring water.
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>> a gelatin based say kelp. it is vegan. >> he debuted his rain drop cake this week. in just two days, sold over 700 of them. next step is to get into an industrial size kitchen, and start making more. >> but, something so delicate cannot be easy to maker preserve. >> we back them in its own container surround by coil water -- cold water that protects it from movement and shock. that is a labor intentive process. >> soft to touch, sweet to taste -- it is tweeft cite. light on calories, it could make a biggest splash with those who are watching their diets. >> it packs a lot of flavors but
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>> jennifer lahmers "fox 5 news." dari: the man behind scenes of beyonce's famous moves. who run the world, girls steve: choreographer frank gaston helping to search for all girl super group. dari: van gogh's painting come to life on the the film.
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stroke at a steve: beyonce choreographer is branching out on his own. dari: he has his own reality show. simone boyce caught up with him to talk about his projections. reporter: frank is man behind many of beyond's viral dance moves. now he and kelly roland are assembling next great girl group. it unfoldeds in the b.e.t. show, chasing destiny. >> after all these years. working with destiny's child, he
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>> i spoke with kelly about this show, cool to have that whole dynamic of being in a group, and you know, newer generation with comrade among the girl, women can get a long. and get together. and be creativing together. >> i like her. reporter: what are you looking for. >> magic. commitment, people who -- >> he went to work with most successful groups in music. liken vogue, tlc, and destiny's child. >> people like kelly and beyonce, they had the ability to dance and sing, i just polished it. reporter: later guiding beyonce threw her solo career. >> artists out there. beyonce just gets it, she puts the work in that how simple it is. reporter: big shoes to fill but
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>> did you find a group. >> yeah. >> you found one. >> probably the best group in the world. reporter: how many girls. >> i don't want to say that yet. it will be a surprise, could it be 3, 4 or 5. reporter: the search for stars is every they need a name. >> most amazing groups have been the temptations, the supremes, the something, the spice girls, so, we want the word the in this. dari: wild turkey terrorize a new jersey neighborhood. steve: they are not too pleasant, they are massive. what happened when one crashed into window of a home. dari: road rage on a florida highway on camera, car versus motorcycle in turns tragic.
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah
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all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience.
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even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. come back today. you'll get 100 meg internet, tv, phone and more for $89.99 a month. and now, get a $300 reward card. call today. dari: people who live in teaneck, new jersey, say wild
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neighborhood, a turkey crashed through a family's window to their kitchen. >> they met to discuss ways to fight back. >> we were coming we didn't know that turkeys could flying next thing we knew one started flying at the window. >> she calls it a gangster turkey. >> i kept seeing the 4 of them together. >> a foul fowl was flying at her window. >> shards of glass were flying at us. >> causing about $6,000 worth of damage in the kitchen. >> he knocked everything off of the counters, there was mud, water. >> reporter: wild turkeys sometimes attack when they see their own reflection, that may be why there are so many here in
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sooner right now, the males are aggressive. >> they are worried about the gang birds, known to block traffic and chase kids. >> if it is attacking you, defend yourself. but it is just walking through, you can humanly harass it, make it feel unwanted on your property in they included options like trapping the bird there a way to coexist. >> make loud noise, open an umbrella, a hose, water. >> courtney got that window fixed and thinks that more can be done. >> i hop they are able to just round them up and bring them if there a turkey farm to live at. reporter: they plan to donate air horns to teaneck so residents can blow the horns and scare away the turkeys. "fox 5 news."
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chris christie announcing plan to clean up potentially dangerous levels of lead in new jersey but not the schools, he wants to allocate $10 million to clean up lead in homes in the state. the water danger has no -- water levels show no danger in the city. >> he cautioned lawmakers to rely on experts. >> camera rolling as road rage in home stid, homestead, flood florida, a high-speed argument that reached speeds up to 90 miles an hour. one point driver of car lungeing out trying to spit on the motorcyclist. fortunately no one was hurt. at-this-point no arrests.
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>> fascinated by that idiot. steve: road rhame on a motorcycle is a bad idea. dari: valuable fossils that were stolen from mongolia are headed home, a dinosaur skull and remains seized in utah was handed over to the mongolian ambassador. they were offered up on ebay by a french company. >> they are not souvenirs to be told to the highest of bidders, they are irreplaceable priceless pieces of a country's history, its identity and national heritage. dari: mongolia is home to some of the world's largest known dinosaur fossil beds it plan its display the return remains in a museum. steve: a new move about life of van gogh is coming to the big
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it ground breaking, art with more. >> van gogh once wrote we can only speak through our paintings, he died in 1890, his story to be told in loving vincent, made up of paintings in his trademark style. >> audience a chance to see world as van gogh saw the world. >> each scene that to be painted that means hiring a lot of painters. 120 artists have been trained to deliver a ground breaking stunning story telling format. >> have had to find animators, and teach them to pain like van gogh or find find pain pain ires and type of them -- painters and
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the latter route. >> so central character of movie is son of a post man who he painted, now trying to deliver a letter that van gogh wrote just before his date. >> he meets people who knew vincent, through his investigation, in to his death, we find out about his life. reporter: a dramatic telling of van gogh's story. this is a lot of work, they started on this film january last year, they are about half way done, we might enjoy it come august of this year. "fox 5 news." steve: i am getting the parissian theme. dari: that so cool. >> cool. >> okay how far from the city is up state.
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things to different team, we're working to nail down where up state begins. dari: world's largest starbucks is coming to chelsea. steve: and check out fox 5 weather app, with daily forecast, track storms too where you are, and weather headlines storm alerts and when lightning is nearby, download the app it
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alright guys. i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago.
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between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. when you want itchy, watery eyes and sneezes out of the picture, you go to walgreens for flonase allergy relief- over the counter in full prescription strength. with walgreens right around the corner, it's easy to get more complete relief in a flash. how's that for picture perfect? well... "perfect" might be a slight exaggeration. swing by walgreens for flonase that helps block six allergic substances, not just one.
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>> americans doing a great job when it comes to getting a job. more americans are quitting their jobs took hoping to find new work. >> homeowners are trying to boost curve appeal -- curb appeal, they are planning renovations most saying they will fix it outside the house. >> twitter is giving nfl fans something to tweet about. they announced it the live
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games on thursday nights, kicking off fall. >> and tie you down. new study shows that price tag for a wedding soaring to record high. average, more than 32,000 dollars, for the big day. what? that is 5500 more than just 5 years ago, and 3200 3 -- 32,000 more than when i got married, still cheaper than a divorce. >> good news for coffee lovers, starbucks planning to open the biggest store here in big apple, on 9th and chelsea. modeled after company's first roastery in seattle, where they chat with baristas, megastore to
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dari: when was last time you took a trip up state. steve: i went to harlem does that count. dari: i was going to say some people say white plains 92 how far north of the city does it begin, we're look figure one does exist. >> how art of fencing helping
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i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised. to install fios and
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jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you wanna piece of cake? our switchers guarantee makes it easy to get 100 meg internet. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price.
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steve: a seemingly endless debate for new yorkers, where is up state. dari: i'm getting a lot of comments on-line, some people say yonkers, for us in city anything north of bronx even state lawmakers took that up, we sent mac king to get to the bottom. >> up state? >> up state? reporter: upstate new york. >> this region exists somewhere in state. >> i believe westchester county.
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>> two hours from here most people say further. reporter: boundaries vary. >> one of those up state connects. reporter: gretchen faced time us and despite that shaking connection, communicated she defines up state, as a state of mind. >> about self identity. reporter: we delineate up state with how we view ourselves, and where we see someone like us living. up staters may like open values. >> albany. >> those in big city, fancy themselves street smart and hip to what is hip. >> li little towns with just -- i don't know. nothing. reporter: semantics play a role in new york minimum wage agreement. they debated where up state began and ended, allowing state to not raise minimum wage in up
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>> there are some political issues. >> politics and self perception may identify it but so does history. >> the place they go to get away from the city. reporter: those in new york city viewed harlem as up state. and so to do southern most border, as our urbanization moved north. our definition will continue to evolve. >> yonkers? middletown. >> syracuse in. >> metro north, take a trip. find out yourself. reporter: depends on who you ask, i am mac king, "fox 5 news." steve: it is so individual to your perception. dari: that would make you really up state, i was thinking about
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park was up state. >> right. nick: just keeps progressing. steve: right. further and fur further out. dari: it is up state cold in manhattan. nick: it is up state cold everywhere. >> the heat. nick: no one feels bad, other people have the chill. even tomorrow is not going to be the warmest day. we'll have mile air thursday, but with rain, and chill down for weekend. sluggish going start to spring, 43-27 today, below average, average high 58. records were set a time ago. beautiful sunrise, but we'll see more clouds come in the afternoon. 37 now, dry air, 21% humidity, sky clear, wind backed off, treasure strong.
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guardian all quiet, but late tomorrow night we'll see showers approach from west, thursday. we'll see rain. no higher low 40s today, 23 in city -- 43 in city. and almost of area on long island was close to 40. cooling down 33 bridgeport, mid 30s across the island, 29 in sussex. we'll see teens north and west, wind contributing to that. clear skies, temperatures bottom out. freeze warning new york stay, southern connecticut, long island through new jersey, temperatures in 20s issue right now they are in 20s by albany toward buffalo, up state. 32 in boston, 41 in washington, d.c. high pressure off eastern seaboard. this system will be our way with a cold front, making its move to thundershowers day, tomorrow -- thursday, tomorrow enjoy
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clouds in afternoon, stop at 46. that is still below average. high chart showing middle 40s tomorrow, we climb to 50s. closer to second for thursday -- second for thursday but that comes with rain. then there is rain thursday. once that front passed wind will switch, and temperatures will go down. back to 46 tomorrow, and sun gives way to clouds, but more of clouds in by early to mid afternoon, 60 rain on thursday. then a shower start friday, sun is coming back breezy friday, saturday, a couple afternoon showers. sunday wild be lucky to get to 45. showers later monday, 50s, 60 tuesday, rain, then cools down
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steve: okay, right. maybe. steve: by then it is mid april. nick: you would hope. pay your taxes your weather gets better. steve: don't get me started on that one either. >> okay. steve: russ is next with sports, full story with that controversial call that cost the yankees the home opener today. traffic tracker brought to you by toyota. grand central parkway westbound this week -- to long island espress way right lane will be closed for construction. refresh yourself on the outside and inside with a revitalizing iced tea from dunkin' donuts. sip in a refreshing iced tea, iced green tea, or iced tea lemonade today.
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make today smile with
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powdered with sugar, layered with frosting, filled with jelly, or topped with sprinkles. share some smiles with 6 donuts for $4.49 today. america runs on dunkin'. russ: how are you, on a day far more suited for giants or jets football because it was big time cold at the bronx this afternoon, yankees level their season opener, against the
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off to a good start, bottom 2, ball rolling with first hit. double down left field line, off dallas keuchel. 2-0 yanks, here top 8, score tied at 2, carlos ca-- carrier. 3-2 astros, joe girardi came out to argue that he was running out of the base path, okay obstructing the pro from the. -- astro score two more time. now here is joe after the game on he received. >> rule reads, in umpire's
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first baseman catching, my argument is you have no lane to throw it. his only option is to throw it and hit him, i don't think that is what baseball wants, this needs to be looked at. russ: joe's protest will amount on zero. because, like i said, unless that throw hits the runner, interference is almost never called. >> out in kansas city. syndergaard on top of his game for the mets. he escaped trouble striking out the side. that is right, 1, 2, 3 batters. and on the mound noah gave up three hits, one walk, striking out 9, then mets gone all run they need in top 4.
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bomb, 2-0 mets final, henderson, reid and all chairman sharp. >> next up for mets home opener friday arch, citi field against phillies. >> hardwood u-conn women beat syracuse 82-51 for fourth straight national tight e8 el titanosaur else, well -- title, well done. dari: a great thing for that program, people say about kentucky but look at women. russ: forget kentucky. gina created a great deal there. dari: good for them. >> scientists, are hard at work trying to build a better drone. steve: teaching drones to avoid obstacles that could cause them to crash by using fencing techniques, new equipment to
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can see drone sort of moves around the sword. they are learning that technology as sword's jab in the drop's direct. a fitting thing a lot of people trying to get them out of the sky. future of the drone, more
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the interface is pretty simple.
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vertical "y" coordinate here. when you're happy with those, you press this button. got it. leonard, you'll never guess who i just found online-- hey! nice shot. eh, his giant head did most of the work. very mature. you're lucky i'm out of silly string. as i was saying, leonard, you'll never guess who i just found online: professor proton. (chuckles): you're kidding. he's still alive? yes! who's professor proton? he was the host of this great-- hey! yes! sorry, tell me about professor proton. professor proton hosted my favorite science show when i was a child. i never missed an episode. he demonstrated scientific principles using everyday objects. it was pretty cool. aw, so cute when you use the word "cool" wrong. like when kids say "pasghetti." oh, dear lord!


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